Today, groups of photographers across the world participated in Scott Kelby’s Fifth Annual Worldwide Photo Walk 2012. Here in Kansas City, Michelle Bramble put together a team for the second year, and 50 folks signed up to walk around the River Market this morning. I went with a couple of my good photo-friends, Dara Russell, and Marciana Vequist.
Although the weather didn’t want to cooperate, we met at Hickock’s and headed for the market. It was dry when we started, but a drenching rain started soon after we entered the market. Luckily, there was plenty of cover, and I actually liked the rain effect. We shot for about two hours, and it looked like everyone was having a great time. The youngest photographer was about nine years old, and she was pretty darn good!
We can all submit one photo, and Michelle gets the fun task of choosing one to submit for an international grand prize. I had a great time shooting, even though I don’t think I captured that one “wow” photo. But, I’m glad I went. Every chance to shoot photos with a nice group of people is a good day.