We did it!


Well, we had our photo exhibit last Friday, and it was a blast! Sandy, and Desiree and I didn’t do a particularly good job of passing out flyers, but we were brave enough to invite lots of people we knew. And we ended up with a lovely crowd of friends and family.

We managed to put on a show with virtually no stress, and we had great feedback from everyone. (Okay, the crowd was perhaps a little partial. ) But we all have very different styles, and the comments we received from each others’ friends was definitely reassuring. I sold several images, which bolstered my confidence immensely!

I’m so happy Sandy talked us into putting this together. If she hadn’t, I’d still be talking endlessly about wanting to show my work – and not doing it! This has truly inspired me to put together, finally, a plan to live a more creative life.  Stay tuned.

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