Okay, the confirmation e-mail said it all – “Your First YouTube Video!”
It’s a short film I made with a couple of friends at UMKC, Ann Grace and Christina Nordhaus. Our assignment was to edit – in camera – a 3-minute video. We chose a packed car wash on a cold, blue-sky winter’s day, added tango music for fun, and had a blast going through the car wash several times.
We listened to the song several times and wrote down times when the tempo changed, then went and shot the video. We tried to time what we were shooting based on the timecodes we’d written down, but we didn’t have a clue if it would work or not until we added the music later!
Happily, we thought it turned pretty well. I hope you enjoy! Oh, and since there’s music involved, be sure to turn your sound down – just a little- if you’re at work.