Saturday Morning Photowalk – KC Garment District

KC Garment DistrictA beautiful, crisp, albeit it chilly, fall day! Perfect to take a walk around the city, grab some photos, and a little history lesson to boot.

A good photo friend of mine, Dara Russell, and I have decided to meet at least one Saturday morning a month and do something “photographic.” We’re going to invite a few other like-minded folks to join us – mostly to be sure we make time for our photography instead of letting life throw us off track.

So, Saturday we went on a walk sponsored by our local photo club, Digital Dimensions & Beyond, which included not only photographs, but a nice lady (of course, I can’t remember her name!) who gave us a fun and interesting history lesson about the “Garment District” in downtown KC. Let’s see if I can remember any fun facts. Hmmm. Kansas City was originally built on a series of bluffs along the Missouri River. Our industrial “West Bottoms” lies along the river and there was a cable car line that ran from down in “The Bottoms” up to “Quality Hill,” where all the rich folks lived. The Garment District, in what is still downtown KC, was made up of factories that were in production from the 1800’s up until the 1970’s. And that’s all I remember, because I kept wandering off shooting pictures!

I didn’t think I’d gotten many great shots, but I actually ended up being pretty happy with some of them. I realize I was shooting pretty tight… I wasn’t really into shooting very wide, it seems. Anyway, I’ve posted some shots on Flicker. I see Dara has, too!


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